Passionate; Should Be a Good Thing, Right?

I love words!

Words are the basis for all written and spoken communications.  When we offer, the right words, at the right time, to the right audience they can create a wave of change spanning millenniums of human existence regardless of the language in which they were originally spoken.  The Right Words, Right Time and Right Audience culminates into the Law of the Message; another natural law and an example of the Power of the Wisdom of Three.  

The first and the key driver of that law, is a word not even incorporated in the sentence; the word, Truth.  The right words will always be true. Only meaningful statements of truths can endure the passage of time when relayed to the right person at the right time. 

Consider that we are living in a time when each person receives an overwhelming amount of daily information.  Televisions, computer programs, internet sites, texts and voice messaging are just a small list of the methods in which we receive spoken or written words.  As a matter of fact, worldwide we process over forty-four zettabytes of information.  If this number is correct, it means there are forty times more bytes of information than there are stars in the observable universe.  With this example of the star filled night, if only half of the stars represent truthful information and each star look just alike, you can begin to see why, in today’s world, it is so hard to identify the truth from the lies.

The second requirement is equally tricky; what is meant by the right time?  This speaks to the old adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”  In order to foster change in our selves; a person has to be in the right frame of mind to learn, profess and live the truth.  It is only then that they will accept the fact that they have been living a lie and become open to making the required changes in their life.  Timing is literally everything.

The receiver of the message will know when the time is right but the one providing the truth, may not. This is why it is so important for those who do profess the truths to do so daily and to as many people as possible. We may never know when an individual will be at their “right time”.

The third aspect of the law deals with the right audience.  Think back to the amount of data one consumes during the day.  It is coming from a multitude of sources and is being distributed to an even greater number of individual audiences.  It is the individual who controls the acceptance from the sources.  If I am trying to learn more about politics, during an election year, then I have to decide what information sources are going to provide me the most accurate information on the subject.  When the truth is revealed and I am open to accepting it, the impact can be life changing.  The same can be said for overcoming alcohol or drug abuse, extramarital affairs or any other vice carried on through living a life built around lies. This Law works every time, for every topic and for everyone once they are open to believing the truth.

Through my life’s journey, I’ve found that meaningful change, through the truth of wisdom, excites me!  The one word that defines this excitement the very best is “Passionate”.  Do you know the word “passion” comes from the Latin word, “patior”, which means to suffer?  The word ‘passionate’, literally means “willing to suffer” and it is one of those words where the modern application appears disconnected from the original meaning.  No longer does the word “passionate” conjure up images of suffering yet when we are truly passionate about something or someone, aren’t we willing to suffer for them?  That is the true essence of our modern day passions.

When it comes to learning, professing and living the truth we should all be willing to suffer so that our self and others can benefit from the positive changes the truth can bring into our lives.  Once anyone experiences the positive impact that the truth can have on their lives, they will never settle for the wrong information or the acceptable concessions that most people choose to live by.  Ethically and morally we owe it to those who depend on us to be passionate Solutionaries when it comes to the conveying the truth.       

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”