Searching for the Gold of Truth

Panning for gold was a difficult and time consuming way to earn a living.  During America’s Gold Rush heyday people were drawn to panning as an occupation.  The job either paid extremely well if you were part of the few or it was an economical disaster for the vast majority of the others.  The difference in the payout was completely dependent on only three things; the amount of effort one applied in the search, the amount of sediment that one filtered and the ability of the person to identify three key identifiers; what does gold look like, where does it hide and how does it react when found.

Gold is an element that exists alongside every other mineral, rock or metal found in the earth so why did people choose gold as the popular choice for currency?

Gold’s color is very appealing and attracts attention.  It is strong, durable and doesn’t corrode when it comes into contact with other element.  Finally, it is rare enough to generate an intrinsic value but available enough to supply the needs of the many.

As a student of the truth and a Financial Planner by trade, I found these similarities remarkable when comparing gold to the truth.

In the search for truth the “miner” is called a Solutionary.  The truth can be equally as hard to find for the same reasons as gold, it takes the same three things to successfully discover both and the Solutionary has to be aware of the three identifiers.  They must know what the truth looks like, where can it be found and how it reacts differently than the other information that they are sifting through.

Like gold the truth resides alongside an abundant amount of minutia in the form of believable lies, desirable falsehoods and the chunks of the partial facts.  Like gold, these other “elements” will not corrode or tarnish the truth.  These non-truths are spread out of a vast area of knowledge so to save times, the sincere truth seeker must find the trusted spots to begin mining.  Then one has to take the time needed to sift through this pile of weaker debris in order to expose the valuable gold of truth.  Only then can a Solutionary with the appropriate education, experience and moral/ethical fortitude learn, profess and live the treasure that we call the truth; using the truth to help other solve their problems.

On the surface, the truth can be hard to spot but if one knows where and what to look for, it becomes fairly easy to locate.  The truth will always be based on Natural Laws so any contradiction to the laws is the first sign of fool’s gold.  The truth will also be the right and best choice for all who it impacts.  If any of the three parties of the solution are not positively affected by its long-term outcomes is likely a pebble to be discorded.

Finally, truth always reacts differently from false information.  Just like gold is easy to separate from the lighter sediment, so too the truth does not wash away with the passage of time.  What was true once is always true.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”

If this is my last post, I want all to know that there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.