The Highest Levels of Humanity

Humanity is more than just being born of the human species.  It is a level of existence that no other creature can take part in yet sometimes its greatness is taken for granted by those born into it.   Think of it as connecting our individual selves to one other so as to enrich society through our personal growth of talents, skills and abilities. It is like being pieces of a puzzle; you know you belong in the picture, but you are not quite sure where or how you fit.

It can be an overwhelming undertaking since no one is born having already reaching their true potential.  In order to reach our full potential, we must rely on and then use the guidance offered by the natural laws.  These constant truths are the rules and life lessons that must be adhered to and mastered regardless of who we are.  Every human is born equal yet unique and can participate in the benefits of following these natural laws if they so choose but it is not required nor is it easy.

The reasons we do not choose to follow the truths of humanity and the consequences associated with it can be made clear by one of these laws.  The Law of Poor Behavior says that the human reality toward the poor handling of the truth can be explained in three ways.

  1. We can accidentally choose wisely without knowing the truth.
  2. We can be completely mistaken about the truth but still arrive at the truth through the unforeseen consequences of our past decisions.  
  3. We can know the truth but choose to ignore it completely for our own selfish reasons.

On the positive side, when we choose to embrace the truths of humanity, The Law of Developmental Growth outlines the process very simply.  The law states that no physical, spiritual, or mental growth can take place without first being exposed at a higher and usually uncomfortable level of endurance and must pass the test.  In other words, to get better we must first step outside our normal comfort zone.  Physically, muscles have to be stretched; mentally, minds must be challenged with new ideas, and spiritually, we have to grow to new heights of love and understanding.  A meaningful life experience can only occur through the constant repeating of this growth cycle; moving from being content, to uneasy, to success; driving us to a higher level of comfort.  By dying to our old ways, we can reach this new level of contentment which brings us back to the beginning and the cycle starts all over again.   

From the very moment of conception our cells are brought to their limits before dividing into new cells.  After nine months from conception, our first birth, the comfortable infant is physically forced to leave the safety and comfort of the mother’s womb to be thrust into a whole new scary second birth.  This experience is so intense, experts say that it is good that the child does not have the mental awareness to understand what is forced to endure.  You could say our birth is the first of many very traumatic life cycles. Each cycle has a birth, growth and a death. The cycle of life.  

From that moment on the baby will begin the journey of thousands of such cycles.  It will be born, grow and die multiple times and in countless ways.  As this new person develops their three personas, he or she will need to experience repeated discomfort and forced growth before reaching a new and more comfortable existence.  In school the student will be born again into a new grades of education where new curricula will be presented.  For the student to excel they will have to endure hours of study and pass repeated testing before reaching the next and harder level of advancement. 

When we become adults our learning methods change but they never stop.  In all aspects of our lives, we will be challenge by the choices we make.  If we do well and make the right choices, we develop into a higher level of comfort.  If we slack and make poor choices, we remain at the same level of existence or worse, we decline into a state of suffering.  The better our choices, the more that we challenge our self and the more vested we become in our positive improvement; the higher our growth and development will be. 

After living the life, we have crafted, another cycle will end and a new one will begin.  Most people who believe in the natural laws, also believe in a life continuance after death.  It is believed that the level of comfort we will experience in our next plane of existence will depend greatly on the amount of effort we put forth during our earthly life.  It makes sense, as it follows the decree of all natural laws, we are each given a present, a past and a future.  What we make of our future depends on what we learned from the past and how we apply the lessons in our present.        

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others. 

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”