Three Requirements of Positive Change

As we experience the ending of the current year, preparations begin for entry into a new year.  It has become common practice for each of us to search our hearts and minds for guidance toward a possible new direction in our life. Over time this soul searching has developed into a conviction toward a path of change known as a New Year Resolution. For all of us who has honorably and with the best of intentions, tried to set a new course for our life only to see the road eventually wind back around to the familiar and well-worn ruts of previous years; fear not, the solution is not as difficult as it may seem. Through the Power of the Wisdom of Three our goals are within our grasps.

We are a busy people, and that busy demeanor requires that we be motivated fully in the choices that we decide to give our efforts to. Think back through current year’s accomplishments. Everything that you did, successfully, received a 100% commitment on your part. You had a burning desire to make it happen. This is especially true of things that require changes in our values, attitudes, or behaviors. This truth follows the natural Law of Attraction; a law founded on the Wisdom of Three. Our values reflect our thoughts which drive our belief forming attitudes that manifest into the behaviors that create the outward evidence of the person we have become.

After the burning desire is locked upon, we must begin to establish and apply to our lives the routine daily activities needed to bring about the positive change that we crave so badly.  Once more, look back to previous successes.  Every success that we have accomplished demanded a repeat performance of the same daily activities.  Even our very first solo achievement, taking our first independent steps, required practice and repetitiveness before the win was realized.  It has been said many times and, in many ways, “Never give up!”   The small child in us must view the change that we wish to make in our life in the same way that they viewed the activities of learning to walk; one step at a time.  The importance of the daily activity is so that we can constantly learn and improve at each tiny element of each routine activity and when each of these acts are brought together, they reveal the masterpiece of positive change.

Finally, we need to give ourselves the benefit of time.  The time needed for the new daily activities to reach a point of a habit-forming routine.  Of the three requirements to positive change, time is the one that we cannot immediately impact.  The intense power of a habit is only reached through the passage of time.  It has been said, “We are creatures of habit” and rightly so for mankind is merely a more intelligent creature but a creature none the less. As one of nature’s creatures we respond to threats, fears, solutions, and problems in much the same way as all creatures with one exception; we have the mental capacity to control our desires…adapt, develop, and guide our daily activities in an effort to bring about permanent change in our lives.  When a habit is in place it becomes our autopilot; remaining on and in place until we repeated do some new activity to turn it off.  The funny thing is that our habits can be both the anchor that holds the ship back from changing course as well as the sail that steers us to the new course of our choosing.

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, Vice President, Education & Development at The American College of Financial Services and the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”