Three States of Formative Change

Decide to make the jump!

We all go through changes in our lives.  Some of these changes are subtle, so subtle that we don’t even notice them our self.  The funny thing is that when we do notice the change sometimes, we find we had no control over it. We changed but not because of anything of our own doing.  This type of change is usually not lasting or sustainable.     

Whether controlled or uncontrolled, people do change and when they intentionally change for the betterment of others as well as themselves it is usually permanent.  This is the type of change that can elevate us into the three various states of formative change.  Thanks to the Power of the Wisdom of Three we can easily remember, understand and teach these to the people who mean the most to us.  As a leader of people, you can only foster change in others; you can never change them yourself. 

The first state we go through is Transformation.  By definition, we slowly change in composition or structure; slowly changing our outward appearance.  This sort of change can be considered natural, occurring as part of normal growth or it can be controlled with our help.  With the latter, we might spend numerous hours in a gym to get in better shape, read countless books to become smarter or increase our attention to the three areas of stewardship in order to improve your spiritual nature.  Any of these are noticeable and beneficial.

Once we have been transformed, we can “choose” to proceed to a state of Transfiguration.  The big differentiator between someone being transformed verses being transfigured is that you literally change right before the eyes of the people you deal with.  When we are transfigured, everyone can and does take notice.  You stand out from the crowd in a very positive way but usually for short periods of time.  To be transfigured means that those who know us best might not recognize our changed thoughts, words or action as they pertain to our routine self but they can readily attest to the changes they see.  These transfigured people are just average people who, out of nowhere, say what needs to be said or do remarkable deeds when they need to happen.  This stage of change requires a selfless loving heart so as to push away the normal fear that accompanies all change.      

The third state usually has the most radical and lasting change because it deals with totality of our physical, mental and spiritual self; it is Transubstantiation.  This is when our body, mind and soul are observed as a united being while at the same time our thoughts, words and deeds belong to the spiritual essence of our Creator.  We can all accept that we are human but that is not good enough; we are called to transcend into being the best human we can be.  To make this change requires the aid and grace of our Creator; we cannot do this alone.  Transubstantiation can only occur when our body, mind and soul are unified at the highest level possible.  People will perceive us a normal person doing holy actions created through loving thoughts, words and deeds.  When a person is one with the Creator, they are transubstantiated with Him.

“He lives in them and they in Him.”          

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary” If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.