When a Solution Becomes a Problem

It is said, “We are creatures of habit” and rightly so for mankind is merely a more intelligent creature but a creature none the less. As one of nature’s creatures we respond to threats, fears, and problems in much the same way as all creatures with one exception…we have the mental capacity to learn from, adapt to, and develop techniques used in solving problems. We even have the ability to act in opposition to Natural Laws of nature.

It is the responsibility of the leader of a business, a family, or a team to teach their disciples that these lessons are critical. To be effective in this role as teacher, we must understand these principles, be able to communicate them, and transfer the required skills in a way that is easily remembered.  One proven technique is storytelling.  A good story can emphasize the message, embed the lessons, and enhances interest in sharing of the content with others.   

There is no nobler cause than to instill someone with ethical practices which will one day prevent harm to someone else while passing on these lessons of truth to the following generation.

Enjoy and Share this story on how people handle fear based problem solving. This story and many others like it can be found in my upcoming book, “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Solomon Gene”.


The air is refreshed from the evening storms, the angry clouds have retreated to the horizon providing the sun an unhindered path through the clear blue sky.  It is now mid-morning and the temperature has already creeped up to a point where most would project that the day will become uncomfortably warm. 

King Solomon and his scribe, Arif, is walking slowly along the broad walkway surrounding the royal gardens. 

“Arif, what do you see when you look at the stones of this path?”

Taking his time, the scribe considers the question from his respected teacher; knowing that a lesson is surely present. “Sire, there are numerous worms scattered along the path. The heavy rains during the night have forced them to seek higher ground less they drown.”

“True my friend.  What else do you notice of their situation?”

Smiling from the acceptance as a friend of this mighty King, “The worms are beginning to die as the stones heat up.  They escaped drowning only to die from the heat of the day. They do not possess the speed to needed to reach the safety of the soil.”  Pointing ahead, “And if the heat does not kill them, the birds are finding them to be a tasty breakfast.”

The King nods his head in acknowledgement of the observations made by his long-time friend. “You are very observant Arif.  I find it interesting that these events which are happening to these lowly worms can also teach us lessons that we need in our own lives.”

“Please explain my King?  These are but worms.”

“True but as with all creatures we face problems that must be solved and we can learn the solutions needed for our future problems by observing how others handle their own.

Did not the worms have a problem? The rain rapidly became a problem for their survival. To solve the problem caused by the rising water, they were forced to leave the safety of their home, the soft soil. As with all problems there are only three reactions to how one copes with a tribulation; one can ignore it, fight it, or solve it. Some of these worms did all three.  If we dig in the earth we will find those who ignored the problem and they died from their lack of effort.  Imagine the relief of those who fought and sought to solve the problem by finding the rocks of the path that seemed like a good solution to their problem and it would have been had they stopped their journey close to the edge of the soil. Instead, those who were fighting the problem allowed their fears to drive them further and further away from the source of their fear.  It was in their fight that the solution to the original problem was turned into a new problem. The battle became their problem not the rising water.  These worms now faced two new problems both created through a solution to the original problem; extended exposure to hungry birds and the stones which were once their safe harbor is now heating up to become their demise.”

Stooping down he points to a worm leaving its perch on a small twig; “Notice this worm, it did not follow the others onto the stones. The safety it found was not as vast or secure as the rock bed but it was not only adequate, it proved to be more flexible once the immediate threat was over.”  Rising to his full height, the King led Arif to a nearby stone bench where they made themselves comfortable.

“Arif, these are important lessons that I wish for you to capture with ink.”  The young scribe, knowing his Master, had assumed this and was prepared to write down his words. 

“People naturally react in much the same way as all other creatures when faced with an immediate and threatening problem. To avoid pain and more so to preserve life, man will choose the solution they believe to be best at the time. During most immediate circumstances, we do not have much time to think through the choices we might have at our disposal but as we observed with the worms, they too had multiple choices; either the sticks or the stones would have been fine had they reached safety and stopped.  The worms that chose the stone displayed an over-reaction to the risk and an unhealthy reaction to fear.  They did not just seek immediate safety; they allowed their fight to drive them way past the point of safety into the grasp of danger of another kind.   

Do we not do much the same?  People can be so scared by a problem that they become as statues, refusing to make a choice at all, they can over-react causing future problems which they do not consider at the time, or they can select the appropriate choice.”

Arif was eager to further engage the wisdom of the King.  “Master, forgive my haste but what lessons can we learn from the presence of the birds?”

“You are a worthy student Arif.  The birds represent those people who take advantage of another’s bad decisions.  Sadly not all people are good-natured.  Whenever we make a less than wise decision there will always be those waiting to pray on our misfortune.  These carrion are always waiting even when we make the wisest of choices but their opportunities multiple when we are weakened by bad decisions, a discouraged heart, or weariness from the fight brought on by an out of control fear.”

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”