The Decline of Common Sense in America

I’ve studied the death of Common Sense for several years. In this post, I have tried to determine the specific events and trends that impacted the decline over time.  We will start with the founding fathers and those who built this Country. They were indeed a God-fearing people.  They established values, common thoughts and beliefs that centered around God being the one who would lead this nation of people.   

Of course, on the secular side, we should include Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ (1776) pamphlet as pivotal in creating the foundation of American sentiment toward independence and laid the groundwork for the fundamental principles of the new nation. These words allowed the new Country to unify their common beliefs and values with the laws of this land.

The growth of America’s Common Sense would continue through the 1950s, peaking with the Civil Rights movement.  By the acknowledgement of equal rights for African Americans, the families of all households were strengthened and unified by this important recognition.  It paired man-made laws to God’s original laws.

It wasn’t until the “Free Love” movement did the fractures begin appearing due to the critique of the legal and economic constraints of marriage.  We waged the first attack on the family unit! It was part of a broader discussion about individual rights and freedoms with no consideration of God’s will.  This movement included the “birth” of the modern woman, the creation of the birth control pill, and the beginning of the identity shift from the role as the foundation of the household to the rank and file in the workplace.  Add to this the widespread availability of television access; the communication of these ideas was amplified and broadcasted nationwide. The American family began to crumble and with it, Common Sense.

During the 1960s and 1970s the movement gained renewed attention, linking the sexual revolution and the counterculture movement. It came to imply a sexually active lifestyle with many casual sex partners and little or no commitment was the way people were supposed to live. This moral decay would eventually take God out of the American culture.   

The Free Love Movement had a significant impact on many of society’s common values and belief, challenging traditional views on marriage, sexuality, and personal freedom. It contributed to a broader critique of societal norms and was a precursor to later feminist and gay liberation movements. The movement also intersected with other social reform movements, such as women’s suffrage and labor rights. Some of these changes, though good, also collapsed the unity of the family. Since the family is where all education and moral lessons begin, when that unit is destroyed, so is commonality and moral respect.

The Watergate Scandal (1972-1974) surrounding President Nixon started the eroding of public trust in government. It polarized the Nation into two parties, and it is said that it was the first revelation that politicians could avoid transparency and accountability. The national trust started to crumble.

The 9/11 Attacks (2001) brought us together a Country but divided us as a people. The terrorist attacks had profound effects on national security policies, immigration, and the perception of global divides by ideology.

During our history, culturally, we witnessed the shift from Individualism to Systems Thinking, while individualism remains a dominant mindset, there’s a growing recognition of how systemic structures shape societal outcomes. Some may even assert that “Common Sense” is a form of System Thinking. As System Thinking grows, excluding the long-held beliefs that made us One Nation under God, commonality continues to shrink as society grows more and more diverse around fractured family units.

Some people believe that the changing views on the meaning of life has greatly impacted Americans’ perspectives on what gives their lives meaning. As humanity’s intelligence rises, we are evolving away from common family values with a spiritual foundation. Instead, the emphasis is gravitating on self-absorption, a splintered society, and government controls on every aspect of our lives.

Throughout our history, because of our melting pot beginnings, racial acceptance has been a constant evolution. Recently, groups have been instilling a belief in what has been dubbed Systemic Racism, another form of System Thinking. This messaging has only increased the fracturing of our common beliefs and the views that should unite us in our humanity.

These events and trends are what I determined to be part of the complex tapestry that makes up the American cultural and societal landscape, as it pertains to the decline in “Common Sense” in America. They illustrate how “common sense” was influenced by historical moments and evolving cultural mindsets. It’s a dynamic process, reflecting the changing values, beliefs, and priorities of our diverse society.

God help us, as this journey continues!

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”