Polarity is a Law, Don’t Fight it

The Law of Polarity is an eternal truth that tells us everything in the universe has an opposite, and these opposites are interconnected and interdependent. This concept is often used to explain the balance and duality present in nature and the whole of human experiences. For example, light cannot exist without darkness, the ethical cannot be unethical at the same time, and joy can only be appreciated in contrast to sorrow.

In the context of decision-making, the Law of Polarity also applies and using the explanation found in “The Power of the Wisdom of Three” we have a template to follow. Entering the problem-solving process, we are presented with two opposite choices, and a delay tactic.

For every decision, there are only three fundamental choices:

The Right Choice: Selflessly aligns with our values, principles, and the truth while solving the problem completely. However, we must understand, that even the truth has ramifications and consequences, some that may be hard to deal with.

The Wrong Choice: Normally selfish in nature and goes against moral / ethical values, principles, and is never based on the truth. It will always create other problems, usually worse than the original one. You might even become popular with the other selfish people.

The Acceptable Concession: This is only a compromise between what is right and wrong, often mistaken as necessary in complex situations where the perfect solution is believed to be unattainable. It doesn’t solve the problem and will only temporarily heal some of the symptoms felt by the original problem. People with addictions are very familiar with this choice.

This framework helps us in recognizing that problem-solving decisions should always be viewed from a best, bad, or delayed perspective. By nature, everyone truly knows what is right and what is wrong, we choose to straddle the extremes because what is wrong will cause too much pain, and what is best does not suit the lifestyle or outcomes we desire, so we “sell” ourselves on something in the middle.

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”

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