The Unspoken Fix

Wisdom of Sophocles

I enjoy watching the Sunday morning shows like “Meet the Press”. It usually gives me an opportunity to relax with a cup of coffee while hearing the opinions on issues that are in the news.  Though normally heavily political; I enjoy staying on top of how our country’s leadership is dealing with topics that affect the entire world.  It is more a study of leadership that draws me in, not the rambling of people whom I do not know and so cannot trust.  This morning it was like Sophocles was sitting right beside me.

Okay, I know, I’m weird but this one Sunday morning my eyes opened to an interesting epiphany; for me at least. It wasn’t what any one of the pundits or reporter said; it was more what they didn’t say.  The topics focused primarily on the upcoming presidential caucuses.  Throughout the commentary the discussions always returned to how the poor were going to back one candidate, the rich will clearly sway toward another, and that the black vote would benefit this one candidate while the female voter would likely swing toward this politician or that one. Sure, this is all conjecture but sadly it speaks to a dis-junction in our society that no one wishes to address on a specific level.

We are all American and when the election is over we will all have the same president, good or bad. We know this, and it is clear that we believe that whoever is sworn in some groups, races, creeds, or genders will be ill-effected by the results.  That is the way it has been since 1776, right?

I get that but what I don’t get is why, since 1776, we have not been able to realize that we are all in this together. Sure at times in our history, we came closer together but today we seem splintered again.  What I wanted to scream at the television this morning was that they were all missing the one unspoken fix that we need in this country and it starts with a very simple premise.

“We all depend on each other!!”

The poor need the rich and the poor are needed by the rich. The white people need the blacks as much as they need the whites.  Our genders do not matter when it comes to the economy, the safety of the world, or whether we can care for our sick.  Yet, each segment listed seems to want a certain candidate to win that can benefit them more than the other people.  When in truth, every voter should try to elect the person who they believe will do three fairly simple things.

  • They must strive to always do what is right. Be just in all dealings since trust is earned by actions not merely words or thoughts.

This means we should review the candidate’s history to see if they have reasons for mistrust in their background. Just because the candidate says things that resonate with your situation doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do.  We all make mistakes in our lives but we are not all being selected to make major decisions on behalf of the world.  If they have proven, through previous actions, that they cannot be trusted for any reason; the game should be over. The scariest thing is that most of the abuse might come from non-elected bureaucrats working behind the scenes in one of their long-held bureaucracies. The elected can use this to hide their selfish agenda.

  • Second, with the understanding that they are indeed committed to the best interest of all the people, they themselves must engage themselves fully in giving of all their talents, skills and abilities that they themselves possess. Do all that they can as well as they can.

Have they demonstrated that they are committed to all people? Are they a “Servant Leader” or are they in this for selfish reasons.  Selfish reason could go beyond their personal self to include selfish ideologies as well.  We need a leader who will be willing to consider ideas that go against their own preconceived beliefs and thoughts in order to accomplish the number one objective; to do what is right for all, not a chosen few. Once more, we have built the federal government to a size that is easy for career politicians to manipulate without accountability.

  • The third measure is to be used as the gold standard, a benchmark beyond reproach. In all dealings, they should treat others as they wish to be treated should they find themselves in their situation.

This is probably the toughest one to gauge because it requires more than empathy, it requires honesty that most politician seem to struggle with. They use the Golden Rule to mask the truth behind their decisions because it is their way to secure a following needed to be elected.  As an example, most elected officials are part of the “rich” segment of society yet they try very hard to show empathy for the poorer segments.  This is usually accomplished by their agreeing with any and all ideas that support the group’s causes regardless and without consideration of other points of view.  Once more, right decisions take a back seat to acceptable concessions.

“We all need each other!”

It is not one or another; it is all of us together for the truth.  Imagine for a moment that every decision our leaders made were the right one.

How would that change business in America?

What would our opinions be of our politicians?

Would your life improve or get worse?

Some very tough decisions will have to be made in our Country. That means we need leaders whom we trust, who will do what is right, and who will live by the Golden Rule.  It must be understood by us as well as them that some give and take will have to take place on all sides but never at the cost of not doing what is right.  We, as a united people, have to understand this because it is our responsibility for this unspoken fix to take place.

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”

2 thoughts on “The Unspoken Fix

  1. We need an honest politician – that certainly sounds like an oxymoron! This could be why we are no longer looking at the Political Class in this Presidential race- but rather ordinary citizens we can trust. Certainly vetting those that are currently running is very important if we are to preserve the America our founding Fathers envisioned.

  2. I’d settle for a return to Constitutional rule. The Constitution is the Gold Standard of law in this country and it is being largely ignored in favor of counterfeit.

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