“One in three people are viewed as crazy. So, look to the person on your left and your right, if neither of them are crazy…guess who is?”
Life is filled with mixed messages, today more than ever. The main reason, we have access to many more people’s opinions. I grew up in a world before the internet and streaming services; in small town of fifteen hundred families. The news was received over a handful of channels on television, radio, or through the local newspaper. The journalist did not share their opinions, they reported the facts only; except in columns like, Letters to the Editor. For the most part, the people we interacted with got the same messages so there was something known as Common Sense.
In the last decade, society has been very confused about many things. Just to name a few, the uproar that went on, both positive and negative, about the whole gay marriage issue. The law decided by the Supreme Court only dealt with the equalization of treatment under governmental law. It is right and just for all Americans to be treated the same in the eyes of the government, and “we the people” select the leaders that set these laws. With that said, the law has nothing at all to do with the religious side of marriage. As someone we all know said over 2000 years ago, when asked about how to handle the government, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. He did not say you had to like it. No one liked paying taxes to Caesar.
Another controversy is whether people should be able to end the life of a healthy fetus, for what reasons and when during the pregnancy. Should women being able to have an abortion for no other reason than she didn’t want to become pregnant? Should tax dollars pay for this choice? In addition, some governmental laws will even allow death up to the point of birth. By the way, at birth, the fetus becomes a child and, in most countries, that is called murder. The silliness continues. We now are debating if people should be able to determine their gender and the gender of the child. To some this sounds plausible, to most it sounds unbelievable. For millennia, we were born male or female, but now that humanity has the medical knowhow to change someone’s sexual organs and adjust their hormones, we should be allowing the ability to do so.
These contingencies will all be decided with man-made laws but on the spiritual side, like with all such matters, the only judgment that ultimately matter will be between that person and their God. The long-held belief that God does not make mistakes, no longer matters to some, because some view themselves equal to God.
In the big scheme of things, what society thinks is of little value or importance; though things are always much simpler when the law of the land and the law of God are in sync and for centuries they did line up. The same person quoted in the second paragraph also said, “Ye shall not judge, lest you be judged.” If we choose to live in peace and harmony, we must follow the laws of the land and the Supreme Court is the final say as to what is right, according to our Constitution. If anyone wishes to follow the Laws of the Creator, then there is a Supreme for that as well. I personally choose the latter, because His laws will outlive our earthly life and will cover both bases except in the case of lunacy.
So, to that end, as things get crazier and crazier, do not lose hope and keep the faith. Be a leader that leads others down the true path and follow only those walking on that path. Throughout history, true moral leaders have demonstrated that they instinctively know what is best, right, and just and will risk it all to go around the obstacles placed in front of them by those who try to design a culture not suited for Heavenly success. True leaders can discern the truth, including who should be followed like sheep and whose path leads the wrong way. Great leaders will not follow blindly the path laid out for the masses; they will follow the true Shepherd. Just because others create a path meant to be easy, well kept, and smooth does not make it the right way to go. In the end, we all have to make our own way through life. The choices we consider will either be the right one, others will definitely be wrong, and most will be acceptable concessions. When it is all said and done, it will be the right ones that will bring us the most joy, success, and peace but they may not always be the easiest to make or endure. It helps if we choose our decisions wisely and seek council from only those leaders of high moral and ethical character. They will normally lead us toward making more of the right decisions and less of the others.