Why Me?

When good fortune graces our lives, we often find ourselves basking in its glow, grateful and elated. But do we ever question it with a, “Why me?”, in the same manner we might when faced with adversity?

Likely not, perhaps we believe we already know the answer.  Many times, it’s because positivity feels like a natural state of being or we want to feel like we are making a difference in our life. When good things happen, we embrace them as if they were meant for us all along. We rarely question God’s generosity; instead, we revel in the warmth of its embrace.

The truth is, life’s mysteries sometimes unfold in unpredictable ways. Sometimes, everything we do seems to align, and we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. Maybe it’s the job offer we didn’t expect, the unexpected kindness of a stranger, or the serendipitous meeting that changes our course in positive ways.

In those moments, we don’t think to ask “Why me?” because we likely worked hard, we put forth the effort, and we feel deserving of the credit. It is common, when good fortune graces our lives, for us to accept it with open arms, rarely considering if God intervened on our behalf.  Oh, but let the hardships begin to pile up, we don’t hesitate to ask Him “Why me?”.

Now, isn’t it true that the world we live in is imperfect, and bad things happen to everyone; regardless of their character or intentions.  Sure, our actions will play a big role in determining success or failure, but we know that the rain falls on both the just and the unjust. Even when we do all the right things, bad things can and will happen. So, when we ask “Why me?” during difficult times, it is our way of grappling with the universal reality of pain and discomfort.  We look upward, to the One who we know, whether we acknowledge the reality of His existence in the good times or not, can make all things right.

We should all recognize that asking “Why me?” will rarely come with a straightforward answer.  It’s more of a natural reflection of our humanity, vulnerabilities, and the desire to find meaning in life’s challenges. In our quest for answers, it’s essential to practice resilience and patience, seek the support of others, and know that we’re never alone when we face adversity.

Without a doubt, we should celebrate the good moments, giving thanks to all who played a role in the success. It is okay to acknowledge the hard work that went into making it happen.  We should savor the sweetness of life, knowing that sometimes, the answer to “Why me?” is simply, “Because I earned it, whether I deserve it or not.”  Most importantly, it behooves us to show gratitude by acknowledging, that without God’s grace, none of it would have been possible. 

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”