The Challenge is On!

One can lead to the other

Most of us love a good challenge because we are actively seeking our next best opportunity.  We will either go out of our way to pursue a life filled with challenges, try to avoid or ignore them completely, or be viewed as an opportunity magnet, winning with no trials at all.  The pursuit of opportunities will be fueled by the thrill of the fight, the desire to learn from failures, or our perception of strength and confidence that comes from success. 

Both opportunities and challenges can take on many forms.  We can encounter them through any of our three personas; personally, professionally, or spiritually.  They present themselves to one or more of our three states of humanity; the physical, mental, and / or emotional or spiritual levels.

What is certain is we will handle them through our three human abilities, our thoughts, words, and deeds.  The endless list of opportunities and challenges can be self-imposed, created from others, or will be an act of nature.  Whatever the source, form, or level, we will only have three possible outcomes to our endeavors; so, we should choose wisely how we wish to proceed.  The final outcome will be viewed positively, negatively or be without merit.        

It will be our perspective that determines if we see the challenges or the opportunities.  Someone once said, “An opportunity hides behind every challenge.”  For some, that is not the case and is a telling testimony to the doubtful nature of people.  These people aren’t willing to take the risk necessary to overcome adversity and challenges.  Many don’t take the time to look for an opportunity until the challenges are conquered and only then do they take the time to enjoy the opportunities.  These believe they were lucky.   

How would the world change, if we learned to believe life’s truths, quickly seeing the opportunities and confidently dealing with the challenges using the solutions given to us through the natural laws? 

To what level would production rise if we used wise decision-making techniques to determine which challenges should be addressed and which should be ignored?

Are you aware that the same three outcomes exist for every challenge?

We could lower the stress level in our life just by knowing in advance the processes given to us over three thousand years ago.  There are not twelve outcomes, only three; we will succeed, fail, or ignore each challenge or opportunity presented to us.  It makes our life much easier just knowing that there are only three outcomes given by natural law.  Once faced with a challenge, we normally struggle with the solutions not because we do not take the time to perceive, understand, and appropriately judge the right and best solution; it’s because we just don’t like the outcome the truth will give us.

We should teach everyone, especially the children, the various laws that dictate and limit the number of outcomes we are all given and that by choosing the truth over our preselected wishes, the outcome will be positively predetermined.  To do this, we would have to quit fighting the truth our selves.

The Law of Opportunity and Challenge is only one of these truths. Each natural law is a proven method of demonstrating life’s truths which are keys to solving our man-made problems.  They are the blueprint to the steps toward the positive solutions.  A natural law is not man-made so we have no power or ability to change it.  We can work with them and we can affect them; we cannot change them.  When we do attempt to change them, we only create additional lies or false and temporary solutions, or we treat a symptom of the problem which in turn creates additional problems.  No person can add to or subtract from a natural law; what it gives you is always the truth and it is predictable. 

So why do we continue to fight these laws?  

The main reason humans continue to try to manipulate the natural laws is so that they can validate the lies they wish to live. We want an outcome other than the one delivered by the truth.  The truth doesn’t always fit comfortably into the life that we wish to live.  We were also given free will, so we cannot be forced to obey the natural laws.  We cannot be made to live in accordance with the truths the laws deliver.  

In essence, our free will is the reason we will always have problems the human race refuses to solve.      

If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary” and Vice President, Education and Development at The American College of Financial Services